The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment

Artificial Intelligence in Cancer Diagnosis

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionised various industries, including healthcare. The potential for AI in cancer diagnosis and treatment is immense. AI technologies enable clinicians to identify cancer early, predict the likelihood of cancer recurrence, and design personalised treatment plans. This blog will discuss the role of AI in cancer diagnosis and treatment and how it … Read more

Blemishes Got You Down – Here Are 10 Home Remedies


Making cosmetics cover-up flaw is a short-term fix. Even though acne is already a nuisance, the marks and imperfections it leaves after it goes away add to your frustration.  The suggested methods for treating acne include seeing a doctor or using common household items.  Various factors, including the sun, allergies, pollution, blocked pores, food, hereditary … Read more

Breast Cancer Centers Urge Early, Annual Scans, Countering U.S. Guidelines

Breast Cancer Centers Urge Early, Annual Scans, Countering U.S. Guidelines

Hundreds of centers are telling women 40 and up to come in annually, contrary to a panel’s recommendation for biennial screenings starting at 50. Mammograms may cause more harm than good, according to some experts. Several weeks before the mysterious new disease was discovered in China, I had my last breast cancer screening “b.c.” – … Read more

What is Vestibular Papillomatosis? Symptoms & Treatment

Vestibular Papillomatosis

Vulvar vestibular papillomatosis sometimes called vulvar squamous papillomatosis or simply vestibular papillomatosis is a harmless condition that results in the development of papillae. These are papules or small developments on the vulva. These small bumps, around one to two millimeters, are sparkly, skin-shaded, or pinkish projections and usually occur in an orderly fashion, or in … Read more